Ivan Popelyshev

Results 248 comments of Ivan Popelyshev

We are currently working on infrastructure for plugins for v5, including ones on typescript. When time comes I'll notify you, maybe our template will be good enough for you too...

> big change that you would like it Unless you already have traumatic experience with types http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/42970-how-to-extends-pixiextrasanimatedsprite/?tab=comments#comment-242015 :)

@Mwni if you want invite to pixijs slack, send an email to [email protected] , i'll send an invite. There are people who can help with those kind of things.

Lets meet in the middle. Its obviously that plugin creators who dont use React/Webpack and that stuff cnat get you everything. If we put something in npm and import kinda...

@Kurt-Montanaro its not big, you can make typings for it.

it wasnt , its still there. Also all objects are Containers, displayobject is base abstraction , not being used directly.

Walls need 3d. With 2d we can make only floor + trees.. But yeah, if we assume that tilemap is like a child of Mesh and Graphics,of course its possible.

People use it with tiled, because pixi-tilemap does not enforce any of formats, its just low-level plugin for renderer. I dont have tiled demo yet but i saw them :)

@winniehell I'm going to create separated pixi-examples with all those plugins: spine, layers, tilemap, projection, heaven.

I know several projects that made their own tiled parsers. Also, there's a tiled parser that doesnt use pixi-tilemap: https://github.com/riebel/pixi-tiledmap