Isaak Yosief Tecle
Isaak Yosief Tecle
genotyping data for Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) KASP marker validation for NaCRRI
[error] SGN::Controller::AJAX::GenotypingProtocol::genotyping_protocol_delete_GET(): DBI Exception: DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: permission denied for table genotype [for Statement "DELETE from genotype WHERE genotype_id IN (148887,148888,148889,148890,148891,148892,148893,148894,148895,148896,148897,...
-- will need filtering for shared markers between the different genotyping protocols.
-- genotyping protocols have overlapping markers and filtering for shared markers among protocols allows including accessions genotyped using different protocols in analyses pipelines. (request from Marnin)
-- could be useful for the mate selection pipelines, among others. (Request from Marnin)
For some traits, e.g. food texture traits, users want to upload and apply their own developed NIRS prediction models and spectra for prediction of the traits easily Request by Emmanuel...
be able to check if a clone or more have duplicates in the database, and remove them if necessary. Visualize SNP similarity for the clones. A request by Eder (EMBRAPA).
For training images, with phenotypes, e.g. count of Whitefly, it would useful to see the values. Now only predictions are shown. Request by Michael Kanaabi (NaCRRI)
phenome schema related issues: e.g.: CGI invocation failed: DBD::Pg::db selectrow_array failed: ERROR: cross-database references are not implemented: "phenome.phenome.population_population_id_seq" LINE 1: SELECT currval('phenome.phenome.population_population_id_seq... ^ at /home/production/cxgn/cxgn-corelibs/lib/CXGN/DB/ line 71.