Results 74 issues of IOWEB TECHNOLOGIES

Hi, I'm wondering if it's possible to bypass cloudflare checks for our servers by setting the remote host IP. Similar to ` curl --insecure --resolve '' -L ''`

### Preconditions and environment - 2.4.5-p1 upgraded from 2.4.1 with product descriptions added in text editor format. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a magento 2.4.1 instance 2. Create a...

Issue: Confirmed
Reproduced on 2.4.x
Progress: ready for dev
Priority: P2
Component: PageBuilder
Area: Admin UI
Area: UI Framework
Reported on 2.4.5-p1

### Summary In our country we have regions but we don't use cities for delivery nor postcodes as we're a small country. However making the address attributes optional doesn't actually...

Issue: Confirmed
Triage: Dev.Experience
Reproduced on 2.4.x
Progress: PR in progress
Priority: P3
Component: CustomerAttributes
Reported on 2.4.x
Area: Cart & Checkout

### Description (*) This fixes issues with #38332 where a carrier's collectRates method can modify the Rate Request for other carriers having unpredictable consequences. ### Related Pull Requests ### Fixed...

Progress: review
Priority: P2

### Preconditions and environment - 2.4.1 -> 2.4.6-p3 This is a rather technical issue I stumbled upon that I think needs fixing as it is prone to cause bugs. ###...

Issue: Confirmed
Component: OfflineShipping
Triage: Dev.Experience
Reproduced on 2.4.x
Progress: PR in progress
Priority: P2
Issue: needs update
Area: Shipping
Reported on 2.4.6-p3

### Preconditions and environment - 2.4.5-p2 ### Steps to reproduce We have created a website with 45974 configurable products and a total of 2.1 million products with their variations +...

Issue: needs update
Reported on 2.4.5-p2

### Summary I'm trying to customize the topmenu without adding 3rd party modules. I noticed that `\Magento\Theme\Block\Html\Topmenu::getHtml` has the possibility to add a limit and also columns should be possible...

Issue: Confirmed
Triage: Dev.Experience
Reproduced on 2.4.x
Progress: PR in progress
Priority: P3
Reported on 2.4.x
Component: Frontend
Area: UI Framework

When I open an excel file through a mounted sshfs drive, I can edit it but I can't save it. Excel complains that's it's already in use however only I...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Currently, developing a custom shipping method in Magento requires manually creating various files and writing boilerplate code, which can be...

**Is your question related to a problem? Please describe.** Since installing smile elastic suite we lost the ability to sort in both directions by position. On our store, we have...
