Results 74 issues of IOWEB TECHNOLOGIES

Hi, I'm facing the following error as shown on the event viewer when squiggle is trying to start. It keeps crashing immediately. ``` Application: Squiggle.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The...

We've stumbled into a case where the module would run out of memory if the emails sent were too many like (400k) in our case. By the time the cleanup...

### Description (*) Allow us to add a reply-to address header. ### Expected behavior (*) Basically we want to send emails from a mailbox like [email protected] but get replies to...

Feature Request

### Information about bug I upgraded the system normally and when I'm trying to log in to the backend I see this error ``` Failed to get method for command...


### Preconditions Elastic Search 7.6.2 Magento Version : 2.4.1 CE ElasticSuite Version :"2.10.10" Environment : Developer Third party modules : List of enabled modules: Amasty_Base Amasty_CronScheduleList Amasty_Geoip Amasty_GdprCookie Amasty_Gdpr Ced_VivaPayments...

### Preconditions Magento Version :Magento 2.4.3-p1 ElasticSuite Version : ^2.10 Environment : Developer Third party modules : ``` Ioweb_AccountDropdown Ioweb_CspWhitelist Ioweb_Customizer Swissup_AddressFieldManager Ioweb_FotoramaMarginsFix Ioweb_Iconify Ioweb_MariaDbHotfix Ioweb_Migration Ioweb_PaymentRestrictions Ioweb_Toolbox Mageplaza_Core Mageplaza_Multiflatrates...


I'm receiving the following error in console when loading a fairly big profile. After a few minutes this appears on chrome. Firefox runs the whole first step and shows the...

Hi, I created a full report via CLI and then tried to view it in the control panel UI however it throws this error Initializing... RangeError: invalid array length What...

The control panel shows requests for all records it has recorded and does no filtering. Would it be possible to only show requests that match the current domain? e.g. I...

Hi, I just tried the csv example ```