Results 74 issues of IOWEB TECHNOLOGIES

## Topic Link ## Description Please add an example of how to add css with preload in the head section. Currently we can add scripts or stylesheets with the...

Progress: ready for dev

# New topic request Please add an example for a scalar attribute and how to persist in database at ## Description The docs accurately describe how to add non...

Help Wanted
Progress: ready for dev

# General issue The article applies correctly to the shipping address fields for example but it won't work for billing address fields. ## Description: ( When trying to override the...

Progress: ready for dev

# General issue Affected topic: /guides/v2.4/extension-dev-guide/extension_attributes/adding-attributes.html ## Description: The article is not clarifying whether we should create our own table column for scalar attributes manually for example via db_schema.xml or...

Help Wanted
Progress: ready for dev

# General issue Affected page: /guides/v2.4/howdoi/checkout/checkout_overview.html There is some very important information that would benefit a lot of users in the checkout customization. It's a very popular question that is...

Help Wanted
Major Update
Progress: ready for dev

We have a case where we installed the module, and it seems to rewrite the images fine. On the browser's network tab I can see the webp extension on all...

I'm trying to load an XML from a URL however it's not loading correctly using fluidxml URL is `` ```php $doc = \FluidXml\FluidXml::load(''); $productsNode = $doc->query("//products"); $productNodes = $doc->query("//products/product"); $loadedData...


I'm adding the steps I had to do to actually make the command accessible and working on our Prestashop installation as I could find no other documentation on the...

waiting for author

When clicking "Save and continue edit" in a banner instead of saving it and reloading the page, it redirects to a page with a 1x1 pixels gif. Using Save Banner...

I've stumbled into this issue a while back and noted this from somewhere on the internet. Unfortunately I don't have the link anymore. The issue is that when you loop...

Component: lib/Varien
Component: lib/*