Results 74 issues of IOWEB TECHNOLOGIES

### Preconditions (*) 1. Magento 2.4.3-p1 ### Steps to reproduce (*) Create at least 2 sources and add product X to those sources with the following quantities source1 -> qty...

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### Preconditions (*) 1. Magento 2.4.1 with MSI 2. Set Magento to hide products that are out of stock. ### Steps to reproduce (*) 1. Multiple store views - Store1...

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### Preconditions (*) 1. OpenMage 20.0.10 ### Steps to reproduce (*) 1. Enable a jailed shell that's missing some binaries on the target OpenMage installation 2. Add cron.php in a...

bug confirmed

### Preconditions (*) 1. OpenMage 20.0.1 2. MariaDB 10.2 ### Steps to reproduce (*) 1. Create a lot of varchar (255) product attributes 2. Set Catalog Flat Products / Categories...

PR requested

I've created an EAV entity with this template, and added a custom attribute with store view scope. e.g. ```php $attributes = []; $attributes['name'] = [ 'type' => 'varchar', 'label' =>...

While trying to execute - `t:g generate` with EntityName1 - `t:g generate` with EntityName2 Multiple files are going to the same paths, thus causing to overwrite the previously created data...

I've read issue #1033 however none of the suggestions there helped me install correctly with freetype. The issue persists for both php 7.2 and php 7.3 for me. ### Output...

### Preconditions 1. M1.9.4.5 2. M2.4.3-p1 ### Steps to reproduce You need a Magento installation with additional entries in eav_entity_type and attributes in eav_attribute linked to a deleted eav_entity_type In...

### Preconditions 1. Magento to 2.4.1 2. Migration data tool 2.4.1 ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a required multi select attribute in Magento 1 and create products using...

### Preconditions 1. Magento and Magento 2.4.1 2. Php 7.3.22 ### Steps to reproduce I'm trying to migrate a website but hitting a volumne check failed error at url...