Andreas Frömer

Results 116 comments of Andreas Frömer

Seems like a problem with the relative paths going up in the folder hierarchy. Will check on that. In the meantime you can try to use the `additionalFiles` configuration (see...

Hi @ArtemGoutsoul I added a testcase checking of there is something off. But then test is green, so I can't reproduce your current problem. See the commit here: Can...

Just wondering if there was any progress on this topic. We also would like to add another reporting format for our CI environment. So there is no need for php-cs-fixer...

Just to leave some research here: There are two things we need to consider: 1. The hook needs user keyboard input 2. The hook "just needs" input (STDIN) For both...

I updated the docker setup quite a bit to work on this. I discussed with Sebastian about how to tackle this: - we can always add the `-i` to the...

With the GitLab security issue and this tweet I though about the same. Just to see if the "conditions" fit to add the action directly into `captainhook` or to...

We could provide a list of predefined regexes (is that the plural? 😅). But I think I would make them opt-in. So for example ``` { "regex": [ "CaptainHook\\...\\RegexA", "CaptainHook\\...\\RegexB"...

Hi. Thanks for the input and the great ideas. But I think phpdeal is not "source" to put this kind of integration into. I think of phpdeal as a tool...

@veewee zend-code was just updated to 3.4.0. So the feature is now available.

Yep, will update the feature PR as soon as I find the time :) Also the renaming, which was noted, wasn't done yet. So still some work to do :)