Andreas Frömer

Results 116 comments of Andreas Frömer

@lazka doing this will result in unused dependencies which is totally fine. As there are no source PHP files that are using these dependencies, except `symfony/framework-bundle`

@OskarStark yes. Zombies are exclusions you configured but did not match any package your are using. So just to clarify. You haven't had that many unused packages before updating to...

Your application also counts as "package". It's the root package actually. So you have to use the "name" from your composer.json Edit: You can also use multiple glob in one...

> I also have problems with falsy unused packages. Let's say there are bundles that are not used in my code anywhere besides registering in `config/bundles.php`. I want to to...

Hi @ravage84 thanks for reporting. We have a multitude of problems here. > `* @property \TinyMCE\View\Helper\TinyMCEHelper $TinyMCE` This is related to #94. So this will be a feature to scan...

While the first issue should be fairly easy to resolve. The others might take a while as I am trying to provide this with the next version `0.8`

I will resolve the annotations parsing in the near future. The others should then be solvable if #69 is done, but one would need to write a CakePlugin for composer-unused...

> May be an exclude/ignore CLI parameter for the unused plugin would be nice. You actually can ignore packages using cli or even inside you `composer.json`

Hi thanks for the report. Can you give me the contents of the composer.json? (you can remove confidential information)