Andreas Frömer

Results 116 comments of Andreas Frömer

Yeah, for `composer` the `name` is only mandatory for libraries which a published using packagist

This is same as some symfony packages where the dependency is only used in the `services.yml`. That would be a feature possible for 1.0 since I need to provide another...

Well I think this can be considered both. Bug, as it should find the usage. Feature as I currently only support scanning of `.php` files. This problem can also occur...

Good point. Feel free to add a PR with some Tests. Happy to merge it 🙏👍

Thanks for the report. I do actually have one task open in the symbol-parser library where I need to cover typed properties as well. So seems like the tokenzier for...

I have updated upstream `composer-unused/symbol-parser`. Could you test again `dev-main` if the problem persists?

Can you create me a small repo to reproduce this? So I can debug the tool with your code and see what is going wrong.

One thing came to mind. Either the PHP_VERSION constant is not correct inside the phar and he is assuming php7. Or the execution runtime of the phar is not correct....