Andreas Frömer

Results 116 comments of Andreas Frömer

HI @tomasnorre Thanks! Can you show me how the package is registered with laraval? Maybe this a case where a special "SymbolProvider" with #69 needs to be used. Or if...

Ok, so for `laravel/helpers` there might be an easy explanation. The `-x` scans files for classes and sorts, but I think not `functions` and constants using `define()`. This is why...

> I don't know laravel that well yet to say anything about that :( No worries, I will most likely dig into it myself for the time being. When I...

Hi @stof Thanks for the report. Composer-unused currently doesn't consider platform configs. Even if it can, it can only consider this dependency as ignored because I can't infer the symbols...

Ok, that is probably a bug and should be fixed :) Let me get this done in the first place.

Hi @laurentmuller thanks for reaching out. Sadly at the moment, this is not possible. I am working on implementing a custom scanner (#69) so support such packages. One possibility would...

Hi @VincentLanglet thanks for reaching out. Sadly at the moment, no. I am working on this with the next major release where I want to add some custom usage scanner...

Hi @tomasnorre. Probably your `composer.json` is missing the `name` property. Try adding it for now. I will try and improve the error or even support to make it optional. But...