
Results 24 issues of -

Currently, the constructor defines a `private readonly logger` property, making its child class declaration nearly impossible. (https://github.com/gremo/nest-winston/blob/master/src/winston.classes.ts#L8). Perhaps, having the logger property as protected would allow others to maybe able...


I have gone through the discussions in issues #9 and #18. I have cleared all obsolete packages, made sure that I am using persp-mode and persp-mode-projectile-bridge. When I enable persp-mode...

It is more of a feature request, but the launch script for the language server is named as `language_server.bat` for windows and `language_server.sh` for unix, however the readme has just...

I have gone through #349 and #362. I have configured keel using following configurations: ``` yaml - name: AUTHENTICATED_WEBHOOKS value: "false" - name: SLACK_BOT_NAME value: "keel" - name: SLACK_CHANNELS value:...

``` ┌┤✅├─┤ hjpotter92 ├─┤~├─┤ 🕠 05:31 PM │ └┴─ ⚡[..........] ┴─ ➜ websocat -B 120000000 ws://localhost:12345/ ┌┤✅├─┤ hjpotter92 ├─┤~├─┤ 🕠 05:31 PM │ └┴─ ⚡[..........] ┴─ ➜ echo $? 0...

The function `define-obsolete-variable-alias` was updated to make the `when` argument mandatory now. This is leading to and error because of the following call in the smart-mode-line source: ```elisp (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'sml/time-format...

I keep my projects inside the directory tree: ~/Documents/com.path/ and the Java based projects have a structure like: ~/Documents/com.path/project-name/src/main/java/com/path/ To that effect, I use the following (in `.emacs.d/init.el`): ```lisp (add-to-list...

I have the following in my emacs init file: ```elisp (use-package pipenv :hook (python-mode . pipenv-mode) :diminish) ``` Now, I visit the file `a.py` in a directory structure: ``` .:...

help wanted

Currently, the location of `.fpm` rc files [are hardcoded](https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm/blob/master/lib/fpm/command.rb#L534-L538) to `$CWD/.fpm` and `$HOME/.fpm`. For some of my CI pipelines, the file is actually mounted to `/var/secrets/` by the builder. This...

> Crossposted from [super user][SU] I did a clean arch install with only XDM and i3 to serve as login/window managers. I have also installed dunst package; and according to...
