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In addition to that error, after I closed and started emacs in normal mode, I receive yet another large traceback: ```elisp Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function make-persp-internal) make-persp-internal(:name ".files") persp-add-new(".files" #)...

> I should have mentioned, though, that escript distribution _without_ asdf means that the user must add `~/.mix/escripts` (or wherever escripts are stored on Windows) to their `$PATH` (or `Path`...

perhaps a few more aliases for build/test/install [from setuptools](https://pythonhosted.org/an_example_pypi_project/setuptools.html#using-setup-py). the `pypi-ltest` is confusing, as my initial thought seeing it was this subcommand: test run unit tests after in-place build

Yes, @GijsvanDulmen . Slack token is loaded via a kubernetes opaque secret manifest: ``` yaml apiVersion: v1 data: SLACK_TOKEN: BASIC_AUTH_USER: a2VlbGFkbWlu BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD: UGEkJDF3b3Jk kind: Secret metadata: name: keel-secrets type: Opaque...

@GijsvanDulmen I see that the token environment variable is set correctly in the pod: ``` bash # env | grep SLACK SLACK_APPROVALS_CHANNEL=keel-approvals SLACK_BOT_NAME=keel SLACK_TOKEN=xoxb- SLACK_CHANNELS=keel-updates ``` Will look into webhook...

@armansaa nope. the notifications are still being received on slack, but the approvals are not being detected.

> it might be the slack bot scopes @rusenask but I don't see any configuration for that

> @hjpotter92 I'm also having this issue > This seems to be present in 0.17.0-rc1 and potentially v 0.16.1 (I've seen this similar behaviour in my production cluster when it...

> @hjpotter92 just checking if you ever found out what was wrong with this? I'm still having this issue but I've learned to live with it for now for deployments...

hey, just following up on the PR's status. thanks for the `fpm` utility :)