
Results 24 issues of -

References #39. Also adds syntax highlight for readme.

https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/sqs.html#service-resource The resource objects are lazily loaded. No need for an extra API call.


**What does this pull request do? Explain your changes. (required)** - Rename registry cache to `livepeerci/build:cache` - Use `gha` cache for `build` target stage - Push latest image to `livepeerci/build:latest`...

Also converted `http` links to `https`.

The key binding for `C-c C-s` is bound to `git-commit-signoff` when editing a commit message in magit, however, if we're working in a python project, the same gets overwritten by...

##### SUMMARY Currently, we're limited to a brief set of flags that are public when using the module. Earlier, I was using the `ansible.builtin.shell` module to render helm templates; but...


**What happened**: After bumping our grafana-image-renderer deployment (in kubernetes); the images rendered are of the login screen only: ![image](https://github.com/grafana/grafana-image-renderer/assets/3393533/efe13aee-6d79-4747-85cf-9e447cb1d5d9) **What you expected to happen**: Expecting the charts to be rendered...

> Warning (comp): paradox-github.el:369:28: Warning: the function ‘paradox-https-proxy’ is not known to be defined. [Searching through][1] the codebase, there's only one reference to this function, with no declaration. [1]: https://github.com/Malabarba/paradox/search?q=paradox-https-proxy&type=code

Any package related command: `~`, `i` or `U` fail with the message: ``` Package transaction finished. Tuesday 11 September 2018 11:10:52 PM IST Errors: (error Package ‘graphql-0’ is unavailable) ```

I was using `setup-node` action, and didn't face this problem when using `.tool-versions` file; so i was surprised hitting this error in `setup-python` action. **Description:** When using the action, I...
