Hello, thanks for the great project! The docs explain how to vectorize a bitmap. But I do not find, how I can plot an SVG? Can you give me a...
Hello @enkore I am just waiting for something like borgcube. Are you still working on it? Is it worth a try, or not ready for testing yet? Greetings, Hendrik
Hello, I am using acd_cli with duplicity. Thanks for acd_cli! Unfortunately, I get this error after a while. acd_cli sync or a reboot did not help. > Uploading "duplicity-full.20160910T184012Z.vol1516.difftar.gpg" failed....
Hello, when updating a log, the log jumps to page 1 and to line 1. In most cases, the user will not want to reload and see the (most likely...
**Describe the solution you'd like** Linux Logs are very verbose. It is hard to find the relevant messages within all the irrelevant ones. In addition to the full logs, I...
Hello, I am using beesd with standard settings in beesd.conf. This is really flooding my syslog (500MB per day, rather than usually 5MB). Wouldn't it make sense to have the...
Hello, I would like to learn about the stability of bees. Is it safe to run bees over my full Harddrive? I am a bit hesitant. Of course I have...
Hello, thanks for dduper! I have run over a directory recursively: ``` dduper --device /dev/sda1 --dir /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DataPool1/Video/ -r --dry-run Perfect match : /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DataPool1/Video/plugin.video.vdr.recordings_0.2.4.zip /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DataPool1/Video/VDR/unsortiert/Topspione_der_Geschichte/2016-11- Summary blk_size : 4KB chunksize :...
Hello, There are Wiegand Readers, that also have Fingerprint Modules, like [this](https://de.aliexpress.com/item/33056522572.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.5b4c606eV2rGHo&algo_pvid=b098170a-89be-45c7-8e58-0d503f9b0429&algo_expid=b098170a-89be-45c7-8e58-0d503f9b0429-6&btsid=77871500-9432-44d2-aebf-c2f566d1ce39&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_10,searchweb201603_53) one. Would this work as well? I could imagine, that this Device behaves as if a Keycard is...
Hello, I was able to connect to the web-interface after flashing once (AP Mode). But after setting up my WiFi, I do not get a reply -even to a ping-...