
Results 59 comments of henfri

I con firm this bug, although it was for me: `TimeoutError: [Errno 110] Connection timed out`

Well, for me it was the missing port - just like for you.

So, is borg Backup running Well for you after that fix?

Hello, thanks for the hint. "acd_cli old-sync" did work for me as well. Regards, Hendrik

.... but it did not work very long. The files are gone again after running duply once

Marelab.org uses a fork of esprfis and sells boards.

Hello, thanks for sharing. Did you use anything to change the Voltage? Wiegand needs 5V, whereas ESP8266 uses 3.3V. Greetings, Hendrik

Hello, thanks, I will have a look into it. Currently, I have [this](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000436677714.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.5aee6a7eosjAea&algo_pvid=8098d5b6-d767-45c2-a005-cae7d464c842&algo_expid=8098d5b6-d767-45c2-a005-cae7d464c842-0&btsid=0b0a0ae216019244787233491ea939&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_) reader (I can currently not recommend it, as I get no support at all from the Manufacturer)....