Hardy Pottinger

Results 36 comments of Hardy Pottinger

This is most definitely still a bug, even if the suggested solution wasn't satisfactory. I have encountered the same bug (it's rather easy, just enter more than one word for...

I can confirm this issue, here's an example: https://vsim.library.ucla.edu/xmlui/ watch what happens to the "featured project" image as you resize the window. It's kind of amazing.

I'd entertain testing any workarounds, I'm at a loss for what to do. At the moment, it is mostly a "stop doing that!" kind of bug, but... it's hard not...

Hi, I tried [that version](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mafisz/jquery-match-height/c72b76f7d522301ae3efa6610acb24af3b705e0b/jquery.matchHeight.js)... no luck, same behavior.

I'm curious if this work has progressed any farther, even if it's in an experimental stage? I'd be interested in helping out.

Hi, it's been two years... any chance dockerspec will support build ARGs in addition to run-time ENVs?

If you're OK with not running any build-related tests on the build for which you need to use `--build-arg`, you can always make a `system` call to the docker build...

I think a bunch of commits got pulled in to this branch by mistake?

Local testing worked fine, and I've confirmed that this passes tests (after rebasing this branch on master, which has a fix for a failing test on MySQL). We're running more...