Hardy Pottinger

Results 36 comments of Hardy Pottinger

@alainna I wonder if you could have a look at the API endpoint added by #3166 and let me know what's still missing? The [Django REST Framework](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/) mostly adheres to...

Hi, it appears that we have a transitive dependency issue with Apache Solr depending on Restlet, which leads to random build failures for our project (see https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-1921 for more details)....

It looks like this is still targeted for the 2.3 M4 milestone. Any chance that we'll see this change before October of 2014? I'm hoping we can close our transitive...

At the moment, my guess is this was detected during our DSpace 7.1 upgrade. I will look in our records.

A quibble: this ticket says 2.2 but the [Roadmap on Trello says 3.2](https://trello.com/c/an4Mrsea/4-v15-django-32-upgrade) I will assume the Road Map is correct.

Addresses most of #3010 but I think misses a few points

This PR has been updated to address the two major issues identified above: e-mail and is_active are now hidden from author data, and the api URL for each respository limits...

This is just a start, I know that the output might not be quite sufficient, but changes can be made fairly easily.

From a quick perusal of the OAI feed, I think mostly this API is missing a link to download files, and a publisher field (though that could be inferred from...