Hanno Braun

Results 390 comments of Hanno Braun

I've made some good progress on the `Shell`/`Point` intersection test since yesterday, but have hit on another hurdle. #1162 is explaining the problem. Labeling this issue as blocked again, until...

No longer blocked. As of #763, we have support for egui now.

This is no longer blocked on #97!

This is now blocked on #993. The same algorithm that's [needed for #42](https://github.com/hannobraun/Fornjot/issues/42#issuecomment-1225735872) is needed for this too.

#993 has been addressed. This issue is no longer blocked!

This operation will share much of its implementation with the union operation (#42), and I've recently labeled this as blocked, then no longer blocked, for the same reasons that #42...

#804 has been addressed. This is no longer blocked.

Hey @Michael-F-Bryan, great to see you around here! Thank you for the comment! This is very useful to me. I had this vague notion that WASM interface types exist, but...

Thank you looking into this, @freylint! I agree that this is a nightmare. Seems unmaintainable :smile: I don't have time right now to look into this myself, unfortunately, so all...