
Results 39 issues of handhikadj

i have that phone with android 10 and decided to give this a shot. on phone settings menu, I've set the face unlock up. it works flawlessly if I use...

### Version 2.7.8 ### Reproduction link [codesandbox.io](https://codesandbox.io/s/wizardly-panini-oqizcy) ### Steps to reproduce look at the .Vue components and the result tab ### What is expected? ::v-deep is working ### What is...

**Describe the bug** I got the message during tests run We should de-allocate memory after a test passed I will work on this issue once I have free time **To...

It somewhat bothers me when I select one of the result of Tabnine's auto suggestion and the related class is not imported gz#2930


I've got this error message: ```error By not providing "Findevpp.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "evpp", but CMake did not...

for example llike this: ```vue this.$toasted.show() ``` or if it doesn't, how do I render html inside the show method?

I want to create https://material.io/components/menus#exposed-dropdown-menu based on md-select. How do I do that? used this CSS but not ideal because it will be applied to all `md-select` instead of specific...

## Expected Behavior There is an option to remove this feature ## Current Behavior Notice the datatable examples have gray highlight when you hover and ripple on `sortOnChange`. for example...

how do I make the arrow like this: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22522638/178785475-edde4359-9538-4024-848e-212eb5aea464.png) reference: https://github.com/atomiks/tippyjs/issues/323

reproduction: https://jsfiddle.net/bvrLmz4q/3/ ```html ``` 1000px on it doesn't do anything