
Results 39 comments of handhikadj

+1 I'm having this problem too with jetpack navigation v.2.1.0 @DJDrama can you share the complete snippet of it?

thanks for responding. still not working anyway: https://codesandbox.io/s/distracted-panna-t1xvx6

@changeweb well... with all due respect, I think your good news is not relevant with this issue. It might be better if we talk about that on Discussion tab, probably....

I'm the pull requester of the new Docker setup Kindly share your `.env` so I could give insight on this

@sjsajju Are you able to access the Docker mysql through the Docker phpmyadmin?

a bugfix has been merged to master on #312 kindly re-pull and confirm if this issue still persists Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 (VPS Server), Docker version 20.10.7 and docker-compose version...

@changeweb then it will use mysql in your host machine instead of the mysql in docker

please add more info on this for example the steps to reproduce

please pull again and read the docs carefully. hope that will sort your problem out