hannah cushman garland
hannah cushman garland
our prior recommendation, removed in 4bb8d76177c40c9a0405ca66da9a40dcbded4505, caused issues with makefiles on ubuntu 16.x (xenial), i.e., on our staging server, such that all recipes failed with the error "No such file...
We've got great documentation for generating files, but we could use more detail about a concise and Make-ish approach for building databases, e.g., writing SQL-heavy Makefiles. A really great example...
writing a makefile is really hard if you don't know bash. so is knowing when to write custom processors. writing custom processors is hard if you aren't familiar with our...
i'm not sure if it's just me, but it seems like we typically use a file structure more [like this](https://github.com/datamade/data-making-guidelines/blob/master/styleguide.md#5-etl-workflow-directory-structure) than [the one we suggest in this repo](https://github.com/datamade/data-making-guidelines/blob/master/styleguide.md#5-etl-workflow-directory-structure). is this...
We're using pweave as part of our Python data processing pipeline, and it's great! Early data work and charting can be fiddly, though, and it would be helpful if we...
they can be combined, and our recommendations don't provide examples of what each tag should contain. https://css-tricks.com/essential-meta-tags-social-media/
stars + forks suggest folks want to know how to do this. in fact @jeancochrane + @evz and i did something similar to this during the lead project. should we...
the shapefile we used now lives behind a login screen. 🙍 will 2016 address points ([the only year available](https://datacatalog.cookcountyil.gov/browse?q=address+point&sortBy=relevance&tags=gis&utf8=%E2%9C%93&page=1)) suffice, since addresses don't move? (are these updated annually/will this link...
500 should be ok.