
Results 57 comments of gustaphe

I see this too. `yay $(pacman -Qqo /usr/lib/python)` for each of 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and a reboot did not fix it.

What error messages would indicate this issue? I'm getting "private key file is encrypted" when connecting in `rmview` via USB, but `ssh` works fine.

I agree that this is a problem. I have a line in `~/.vim/after/.vimrc`: ```vim hi clear Search hi Search cterm=underline ctermfg=3 ```

Another advantage of this is it could be temporary, like is the case with erroring cells, so that shift+enter hides the source again.

I think there is some confusion here. The suggestion and the new title do not reflect the original feature request (Though it is a decent idea).

It's not important to me exactly what the interaction is, but a "temporarily edit cell code" functionality would be nice (and is already implemented for erroring cells)

Not sure `Unitful` will want to pull in even `RecipesBase` as a dependency, they are (rightfully) very proud of their light weight. I don't have a strong opinion on any...

Update, using `let &t_SR="\7\ q"` and `let &t_EI="\2\ q"` fixes the second bug, but the cursor still jumps (but to `e` now, I guess because `&t_SR` is one character shorter)

No. In the WT convo linked above I've updated the description a little (new and interesting bugs ...), and there's a comment describing using C to solve it. One day...

Okay, now there's a plugin at gustaphe/winterm.vim