
Results 35 issues of gustaphe

I think this is part of #118, but there are other issues in there that I don't think are necessarily connected. I would like to be able to use named...

**Describe the bug** When `&t_SR` or `&t_SI` is set, insert and `R`eplace mode work as expected, but in `r`eplace, the cursor jumps visually five steps to the right (seems to...


Adds "Alternate", an iterator that cycles through a number of iterators until one of them runs out. ```julia julia> println(alternate(1:5,"the",-(1:5))); 1 t -1 2 h -2 3 e -3 4...

This is an implementation of #57.

Add function `each(ElementType, collection)` that returns an iterable with `eltype

Proper highlighting etc. of comments like these: ```julia x=2 #= comment explaining the code more comments =# y=2x ```

When working on the complex and rational numbers, I got thinking about how this package is passing strings around. From what I've learned in other languages, building strings by concatenating...

Allows `ustrip(u"dB", 3u"B")` and `ustrip(u"dBV", 1u"dBµV")`. No changes to documentation, this feels like expected behavior from the current description of `ustrip`.


`NoUnits` is immediately removed on any arithmetic operation, which makes it annoying/difficult to create things like arrays of unitless quantities for dispatch: ```julia julia> typeof([1,2,3]u"NoUnits") Vector{Int64} (alias for Array{Int64, 1})...

I think this is a bug: ```julia struct VisibilityVector x::Vector{Float64} end @recipe function f(::Type{VisibilityVector}, x::VisibilityVector; mysize=14) tickfontsize:=mysize # The default is 8pt, so this type has large tick labels by...