
Results 57 comments of gustaphe

Not just for representation, but for simpler entry with a keyboard, how is `Dim"Length"` etc?

`language` is also a bit ambiguous. When editing a TeX file, for instance, the language is arguably both TeX and `en_gb`.

> The locale language is en_gb. The programming language is TeX. Two very different things. Yes, and both of those could reasonably be called the file's `language`. That's my point....

The confidence interval is likely to contain the true mean. The prediction interval is likely to contain any new observation.

Sorry about the low quality illustration, here's a better showcase of the feature, generated by the test code. (Note that the first two series in every subplot are generated by...

In #202 , I used something like ```julia is_unhealthy(x) = ismissing(x) || isnan(x) || isinfinite(x) is_unhealthy(x::AbstractArray) = any(is_unhealthy, x) ``` which recursively does the right thing for vectors. Could be...

I've found a pretty convincing case for this (if it wasn't already): ```julia function model(x, p) a = p[1:3:end] m = p[2:3:end] w = p[3:3:end] return exp.(-(x .- m').^2 ./...

Mine either, but you're probably right. I was informed of the existing error hint system, not sure if this is much better but it's maybe a little cleaner. I also...

Good shout. I've left the hint in for tuples, because `BoundsError: attempt to access Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64} at index [4]` is not quite as obvious to me as `BoundsError: attempt...

Come to think of it I agree. Went back and read the motivation for doing this to begin with, and the latest commit would kind of ruin the main advantage....