The idea is a CVAR to play a sound in the client when hitting an enemy (not necessarily killing it) just like in Quake Champions. - It should be, by...
Steps to reproduce it: 1. Open the chat box in-game. 2. Move the mouse until cursor shows up. 3. Get killed (step 2 can be done after this one as...
I added a link to my facebook page on my HTML MOTD, once I click I can see the FB group obviously, but can't go back to MOTD's "main" page....
Just adding that one, location and possibly an icon showing the current weapon. This would make it easier to check on our teammates status without asking for it.
In the following picture you can see two speedometers, [Kreedz gamemode by Yalter's]( (showing the speed of the player I'm spectating) and BugfixedHL's (showing mine as a spectator, which is...
Something like this, so that you just have to click on a color, instead of typing color codes (^1 for example) everytime. The game should keep that color selected until...
I don't know if this problem belongs to the client or what, so I can't provide more info about it. I tried muting (through scoreboard) in different servers full of...
The idea is whenever we consider there's a player already using their realname, we just have to right click on it and select the "`Add to realnames`" option so that...
These are the following issues related to the **score table** when I play a recorded demo (record "name", then viewdemo "name"): -SteamIDs are not shown. -Recently disconnected players are still...
Auto-recorded demos end up in "valve\results", but can't be played since the game requires demos to be in "valve" to be played. Manually recorded demos end up in "valve", which...