Stefan Gruber
Stefan Gruber
Very useful suggestions! I support rendering of reports as PDF only, as this is the only reliable way anyway. A HTML-Mail can't be considered as a real document IMO, because...
In our instance analyses are sorted (not grouped) correctly by category, by sortkey, alphabetically in sample view and **manage results** view. The demo behaves like @andersonsmith described. The only...
Observed similar behaviour at Setup/LabContact trying to change the image of signature some days ago. Only worked when deleting image beforehand.
In most cases, we do not know first names of clients' contacts but their surname. I can't really imagine it vice-versa in professional business context.
Addendum: with PR #1109 LDAP-users are handled in the same way as plone-users.
Hi @ngslabex generally I would like to extend analysis remarks to rich htext or html content for myself, but... As I understand plone/senaite (I'm not a delevoper), it's not recommended...