Stefan Gruber
Stefan Gruber
## Steps to reproduce - Create batch + samples - Close batch ## Current behavior In batch listing click on batch. There is no edit or view page - no...
## Description The feature of handling string results in analyses was introduced with happily. For analysis services configured as string results senaite behaves confusing, because in some situations results...
## Steps to reproduce - Set Email notification on AR invalidation in LIMS-Setup - Invalidate any published AR ## Current behavior Notification E-Mail is sent to all plone users that...
## Steps to reproduce Create a new contact in client's view assuming that its firstname is not known. ## Current behavior Error after omitting firstname, because firstname is mandatory. This...
## Description While creating a secondary request, sample metadata are copied into the new sample. But the field `Date sampled` remains empty, if the primary sample has this date set....
## Steps to reproduce - Create a report over e.g. 10 ARs with same analyses services or profiles - Choose template ## Current behavior Result table shows only the...