Jan Kaniewski

Results 268 comments of Jan Kaniewski

I don't believe commandline arguments are currently supported. It is expected to communicate with your script via ```ipc-event-emitter```, see https://github.com/getnamo/nodejs-ue4#a-basic-adder for an example. Adding commandline arguments would make a good...

Those are fairly standard 4.24 compile bugs (they changed include precision), and for sure I'll merge anything that helps improve the plugin :)

Atm there is no android support, but you can have better luck with the new remote focused architecture https://github.com/getnamo/machine-learning-remote-ue4

Ue5 removed Win32 platform, removing those from build.cs and the .uplugin should fix it. That said ue5 compile will likely need some minor c++ edits

That unfortunately doesn't fix it. I used a similar fix to see if it would work without that particular lib. Compiling android for arm64 first resulted in a bunch of...

Btw compiling for armv7 instead of arm64 gives these errors ``` UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): C:/NVPACK/android-ndk-r14b/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.9.x/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin\ld: error: cannot open C:/Users/.../TestProject/Plugins/Unreal.js-core/ThirdParty/v8/lib/Android/ARM64/v8_base/api.o: No such file o r directory UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)):...

@nullbus got a link to the libstd++ build of v8 for arm64? I wouldn't mind looking into the runtime crashes to see if I can't help you identify what's missing....

FYI [V8-7.7.299 libs](https://github.com/ncsoft/Unreal.js-core/releases/tag/V8-7.7.299) provided are still the thin variant types and will need to be updated with @nullbus script. From the looks of the lib sizes and compile tests this...

I made a patch build for 4.23-android which uses the older 7.4.288 that nullbus shared: https://github.com/getnamo/Unreal.js-core/tree/UE4.23-V8-7.4.288 Hope it can be useful until we get the 7.7.299 android build working.

See https://github.com/ncsoft/Unreal.js/wiki/V8 for build instructions