Georg Fritzsche
Georg Fritzsche
The arrow panel when hovering over a bug in the bug lists shows "Assigned to: undefined" (currently working example: bug 1007490), presumably because the bug was assigned to just an...
Old histogram.json files contain non-number values & expressions for fields as "n_values". We need to properly handle these and convert the literals to useful values.
*(This came out of [telemetry-dashboard #543](* The histogram [*DEVTOOLS_TOOLBOX_TIME_ACTIVE_SECONDS* is showing up as recorded from 59 on release]( This seems to actually come from [the source data](, i.e. probe-scraper. Another...
To make it more easy to judge whether things worked correctly etc., it would be great to print some basic stats before saving the outputs to disk in E.g.:...
Currently we include all probes for the release channel data, even when they are only ever recorded on prerelease. It probably makes more sense to just not include prerelease probe...
In the output data we use the old "optout" terminology for probes. We should change this to something matching the new semantics, e.g. "collected_on_release". Currently the main consumer of this...
We made some changes in this repository to the parsers that live in mozilla-central. Once this repository is more stable, we should merge the updates to m-c.
We need to validate the probe data for correctness, e.g. by manually cross-checking the history of a few probes of each type.
We should add test coverage that tests that the output for old, real Histograms.json, Scalars.yaml, ... is correct. E.g. taking files from the oldest supported Firefox version, the current newest...