Gabilan Ganeshwaran
Gabilan Ganeshwaran
## Purpose > $title Fixes #33805 ## Approach > Determine MIN and MAX values for Ballerina decimal values per IEEE 754 Decimal encoding spec. ## Samples ## Remarks ## Check...
## Purpose > $title Fixes #37842 ## Approach > Reuse fail nodes created at desugar for the same on-fail clause. ## Samples ## Remarks ## Check List - [x] Read...
## Purpose > $title Fixes #37506 ## Approach > Reuse possible temporary variables without creating new variables each time for observability instrumentation. ## Samples ## Remarks ## Check List -...
## Purpose > This PR treats the decimal subnormal values as Zero according to IEEE-754 Decimal specification. Fixes #38082 ## Approach The absolute decimal values smaller than the minimum positive...
## Purpose > $title Fixes #42404 ## Approach Bundled extern function args int `anydata[]` and mapped to jBallerina `BArray` ## Samples ```ballerina public isolated client class ClientObj { isolated resource...
## Purpose > $title Fixes #42320 ## Approach > Describe how you are implementing the solutions along with the design details. ## Samples > Provide high-level details about the samples...
Add runtime APIs to call module init, start, stop and function invocations from a Ballerina project
## Purpose > $title Fixes #42128 ## Approach > Describe how you are implementing the solutions along with the design details. ## Samples ```ballerina Runtime balRuntime = Runtime.from(new Module("orgName", "moduleName",...
### Description $title Code-coverage ignores the integration test `RuntimeAPITests` added with the PR ### Describe your task(s) _No response_ ### Related area -> Runtime ### Related issue(s) (optional) _No...
### Description A slowness is observed in the version 2201.8.5 when using `fromJsonWithType()` for binding a large json to a record. It's taking much time for conversion than 2201.8.4 ###...
### Description The panics will terminate the program abruptly. So they will not start the graceful shutdown sequence. Anyway currently even a panic in the main allows to execute the...