Fernando Puente-Sánchez

Results 87 comments of Fernando Puente-Sánchez

What happens if you just run ``` OMP_THREAD_LIMIT=128 python3 /mnt/netapp2/Store_uni/home/uvi/ba/mav/conda/envs/SqueezeMeta/SqueezeMeta/bin/CONCOCT-1.1.0/bin/concoct --composition_file /mnt/lustre/scratch/nlsas/home/uvi/ba/mav/vermi_MAGs_binners/temp/vermi_MAGs_binners.choppedcontigs.fasta --coverage_file /mnt/lustre/scratch/nlsas/home/uvi/ba/mav/vermi_MAGs_binners/intermediate/binners/concoct/coverage_table.tsv --threads 128 -m 2500 -b /mnt/lustre/scratch/nlsas/home/uvi/ba/mav/vermi_MAGs_binners/intermediate/binners/concoct/concoct_int/ ``` ?

Not necessarily, this is a different bug that was fixed in v1.6.0. Can you update to v1.6.0 and re-run the project?

> I will try it later because in the server that error does not appear when using loadSQM. By now I have run sqm2tables.py and then loadSQMlite pointing to tables...

Sorry I let this slip. No, you don't need to download them again, just activate the new environment and then run ``` configure_nodb.pl /path/to/db test_install.pl ```

> However, as I could freely subset the SQMobject by fun/tax, theoretically I should be able to derive the functional abundance each SINGLE taxa has for a gene set (or...

The `--restart` option was added in version 1.6 (released last week) so it won't work if you have the previous version. Use `restart.pl -p mergedtest` instead. I'm not sure whether...

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How much available memory do you have? It is hard to predict how much memory will you need for a coassembly, as it will depend on the number of samples,...

This seems to be the same problem as in #500 and #523, in which `make_database.pl` fails due to NCBI servers rejecting/stalling the connection. You can try to download a pre-compiled...

No, it should be faster. Are you writing the databases into a network-mounted drive?