Davide Faconti

Results 34 issues of Davide Faconti

I am new to the library so I apologize if I am missing something. Exploring the examples I can't find anything similar to `dsl::integer` for real numbers. O course I...


Hi, I can not count the number of times some colleague complained about `pcl::fromROSMsg` consuming large amont of CPU! After looking at the implementation, I realized that we are copying...

I am having serious problems of usability due to the fact that the GUI freeze when I change the value of Fixed Frame. Digging into the issue I noticed that...

Hi, this modification of plan_route_plugin is mostly related to code simplification. 1) __waypoints__ will contain poses relative to **target_frame_**, not **stu::_wgs84_frame**. This greatly reduces the need for **tf_manager_.GetTransform()** in many...

it is very nice to see haw there is a clear separation between the ROS and non ROS part in LAMA. My question is: how mature and tested is the...

Hi, recent GCC (Ubuntu 22.04 default) complains about the use of the attribute `volatile`. Would this substitution work, in your opinion? `std::atomic_int event_count;`

Added unit test and proposed changes, related to #755

Hi, I would like to help to migrate Nav2 to BT.CPP 4.x before the release of **ROS J**. I am playing with it and... it compiles on my machine (that...

Just wanted to say thank you. You saved me 1 day of work today :) I wonder if you would accept pull requests. I would like to remove the math3d.h...
