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Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.

Results 108 relay issues
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Ran into a weird issue with interface types + fragments today. It seems like the TypeScript types allow you to pass a fragment that may not match (due to the...

Currently the default exports of `queryname.graphql.ts` and `queryname$parameters.ts` are simply named `node`. This makes it really cumbersome to work with import suggestions, as typing `node` will suggest every query in...

I've migrated most of my team's codebase to useLazyloadQuery, using the Transitions API to make smooth transitions without suspending. However, one big pain point still is queries that don't need...

We're currently experimenting with Relay's new (experimental) approach to handling queries that contain errors. We've enabled both the `ENABLE_FIELD_ERROR_HANDLING` and `ENABLE_FIELD_ERROR_HANDLING_THROW_BY_DEFAULT` feature flag. Overall it works really nicely and error-handling-clients...

We have set the `artifactDirectory` to `src/__generated__/relay`, so we can use other code-generater in sibling folders (`src/__generated__/something` eg). Relay keeps on deleting these files though whenever run it. My guess...

Context: Given a query that is returning a partial response that, due to a bug in some view code, throws to an error boundary. We'd like to generically be able...

The typescript types for `RelayEnvironementProvider` doesn't appear to be compatible with `@types/[email protected]`. React did some changes to how JSX element types are declared last year and recommended to use `ReactNode`...

Sometimes we have to have two or more `ReactRelayQueryRenderer` with different environments at the same time. So the problem is that `requestCache` is used as a shared variable to hold...

CLA Signed

Spotted a typo while reading through docs

CLA Signed

Here is my example query: ``` const viewerData = useLazyLoadQuery(graphql` query RecentSearchesQuery($filterOption: SavedSearchesWith) { viewer { ...RecentSearches_viewer @arguments(with: $filterOption) } }`, { filterOption }, queryOptions, ); ``` I'm passing filterOption...