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Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.

Results 108 relay issues
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Reviewed By: jackpope Differential Revision: D56901818

CLA Signed

Our organization is attempting to use the React 19 beta for our internal tools to get ahead of the upgrade for production. However, we encountered a blocking issue with `react-relay`....

Reactive GraphQL Architecture ============================= This document outlines a vision for using GraphQL to model client data in applications which have highly complex client state. It is informed by the constraints...


# useFragment Hello, while I'm using two `useFragment` inside my component, the data coming from the second call gets either `unknown` or `{}` with Typescript: E.g: ```typescript const data1 =...

At the moment there's a code action that suggests correct operation names, if you hover over an operation name or the operation name is associated with a diagnostic. This PR...

CLA Signed

See #3628 and #4226

CLA Signed

Differential Revision: D57076552

CLA Signed

> **Note:** I originally opened this issue as being React Native specific, however after testing in React DOM v17, this appears to be an issue common to all version of...
