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relay-runtime 15.0.0 ConnectionHandler.getConnection() is undefined

Open shangwangzhang opened this issue 4 months ago • 2 comments

Here is my example query:

const viewerData = useLazyLoadQuery(graphql`
    query RecentSearchesQuery($filterOption: SavedSearchesWith) {
      viewer {
        ...RecentSearches_viewer @arguments(with: $filterOption)
    { filterOption },

I'm passing filterOption to RecentSearchesQuery. here is fragment RecentSearches_viewer

const savedSearchesData = useFragment(graphql`
    fragment RecentSearches_viewer on Viewer
      first: {type: "Int", defaultValue: 10}
      with: {type: "SavedSearchesWith"}
      savedSearches(first: $first, with: $with)
      @connection(key: "RecentSearches_viewer__savedSearches") {
        edges {
          node {

when I'm going to update the store in the updater of mutation, I'm getting an error:

const savedSearchesConnection = ConnectionHandler.getConnection(

savedSearchesConnection is undefined. but when I didn't pass argument to RecentSearchesQuery, I don't get any error How can I resolve this issue?

shangwangzhang avatar Feb 02 '24 19:02 shangwangzhang