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Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.

Results 108 relay issues
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As of today, the customScalars format is straightforward, just a string / string mapping, and then limit the use of custom scalars to native types. The customScalars format can be...

For the last few years we've been experimenting with expanding [Relay Resolvers]( to allow them to return client state that can change over time. We are now close to releasing...

CLA Signed

Closes #4560 This is quality-of-life change to the type generation for the assignable fragments (aka. typesafe updaters). For the cases where the assignable fragment is defined on the abstract type,...

CLA Signed

First off thanks for creating relay, its fabulous. I'm having an issue related to graphql tagged template literals. I'm including explicit new line characters when forming my queries. `hello/Hello.js` ```...


Hello! 👋 First and foremost, thanks for investing your energy into bringing the new Rust Compiler into OSS world as well. 👍 I have some questions regarding the new compiler...

Relay: v16 Given the following schemas: ``` // schema.graphql type Query { foos: [Foo]! } type Foo { id: ID! } // clientSchema.graphql interface Labeled { label: String! } extend...

Hi, the documentation [here]( mentions: > RecordSource (type): A collection of records keyed by their data ID, used both to represent the cache and updates to it. For example the...


CLA Signed

Today you can't use Relay with React Server Components, because the RelayEnvironment is handed around using React Context. Most of our components will still remain client-only, but there are some...