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Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.

Results 108 relay issues
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This is another attempt at I've removed the automatic renaming part to make the feature purely opt-in (can still be made automatic later, maybe also behind a flag). ##...

CLA Signed

Currently, when transforming a location to an LSP location, JavaScriptSourceFeatures are extracted from the corresponding file and then used to calculate the LSP location. The problem is that what's on...

CLA Signed

We've been happy relay users for the last year. Pull to add us to the user list :)

CLA Signed

lets say i have this union type defined in the schema ``` union U = A | B type Query { unionType: U } ``` and used by a query...

![image]( Hello Guys, Does anyone has a solution on how to solve this issue? **App.test.tsx** ``` import React from "react"; import { RelayEnvironmentProvider } from "react-relay"; import App from "./App";...

Operations in Relay will be flushed synchronously by default which has been observed to cause potential race conditions in the client app. In practice this is very difficult to reproduce...

CLA Signed

Bumps [es5-ext]( from 0.10.61 to 0.10.64. Release notes Sourced from es5-ext's releases. 0.10.64 (2024-02-27) Bug Fixes Revert update to postinstall script meant to fix Powershell issue, as it's a regression...

CLA Signed

Updated to relay 14 and added the Relay GraphQL extension for VSCode. Upon trying to use features like Intellisense on hover, I see some errors logged to "Relay LSP Logs"...

In version 16, requiredFieldLogger was renamed to relayFieldLogger. ([Commit link]( We are utilizing the latest versions of all relevant packages (react-relay, relay-runtime, @types/relay-runtime): ``` yarn list v1.22.19 warning Filtering by...

When `relay-compiler --validate` is run, typically any incorrect or missing artifacts lead to a non-zero exit code and no changes to the filesystem. I use this in a github workflow...