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While viewing the website on mobile we will get extra padding on the right side when we expand the navigation bar. I am attaching the screenshot of the issue. Also,...

fast star is no longer supporrted using path patterns to allow match all


Adding this functionality will make it easier to test and review changes submitted via PR directly in the browser.

help wanted

In the TC meeting, @UlisesGascon suggested that we add a blog section to the website for security notices and other timely information, and I wanted to record this idea before...

help wanted

The purpose of this PR is to update the documentation to indicate the minimum nodejs version required for each express version, as required [here]( I have added this information: -...

Added darkmode theme to site by clicking the moon icon. All pages available through the site drop downs have been tested for English, and a quick run through was done...

### Main Changes I had some issues to run the project locally, so I explored a way to run the project using Docker (including live reloading). Also I added an...

A /en was added to the link for the Performance best practices section in English. Without it, the link redirects to the docs in some other language.

For 4.x, [this file]( indicates versions that are tested against. So we require Node.js 0.10 or later. While this is a very old version, we should still state it somewhere...


In our recent TC meeting, we discussed the need for a more efficient method of detecting outdated translated versions of our documentation. Below is a proposal aimed at addressing this...