icon indicating copy to clipboard operation copied to clipboard

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In the following issue, it is requested to customize the body size limit for `express.json()` dynamically based on the API route: > @marbuser (Apr 11, 2019): > I've got some...

More description for the Kites.js

Quick typo fix in en/guide/ obects -> objects

Calling `req.acceptsLanguages` without argument(s) returns an `array` of languages from the HTTP `Accept-Language` header. This is much easier than calling `req.get('Accept-Language')`, because you do not need to parse the `Accept-Language`...

Forever is stale (+1 year with no maintenance) and has this on their README, "For new installations we encourage you to use pm2 or nodemon." fixes #990

Using template engine link was redirecting to Turkish page buy default. Changing it to English version page.

I think the default value mentioned at is incorrect. It says in the table that the default value is 'ignore', but in the detailed docs at which are...

**Description**: The link "ExpressJS StatusBoard" under the section "Express is made of many modules" on the page []( is not working. **Steps to Reproduce**: 1. Go to []( 2. Scroll...