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Hello, visiting the documentation with a browser localized in Italian, the following banner appears: However, the link "documentation in English" always leads to the following page:, while it would...

help wanted

The documentation for 4.x, under res.jsonp() says, "res.jsonp([body]) Sends a JSON response with JSONP support. This method is identical to res.json(), except that it opts-in to JSONP callback support." It...


on Windows 10, I installed ruby and in windows 10's command line tool I use gem to install bundle and use bundle as described in the readme file. The following...


Wanted to share this FYI out to the Express.js community to let ya’ll know that the OpenJS Foundation has opened its [call for speakers]( for the upcoming virtual OpenJS World...


let's translate it into Indonesian, so our friends in Indonesia if you want to use it are easier to understand. Thankyou

help wanted

According to [documentation](, `req.ips` is >an array of IP addresses specified in the `X-Forwarded-For` request header. My understanding is that this array should contain all IPs up to, but not...


This request for docs comes from expressjs/express#4193, where the person is trying to understanding why `req.route` is `undefined`. The answer in response wrote: > That is a distinguishing feature between...

We should link somewhere more visible on the site to the [Express Youtube channel]( and the [Express Twitter account]( There is a link to the youtube channel on the [community...

help wanted

👋 Hello everyone Can I add a suggestion for ## Why Graceful Server is useful - Graceful Server is keeping track of all open connections and signaling them that...

Hello everyone! We just released a MIT-licensed package for effortless Express clustering. I was wondering if you would like to add a mention to our package in your documentation, since...