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`proxy-addr` not only passes the ip but also the index of the hop to the callback. This could be noted in the documentation, as it's useful for private servers behind...

needs tech review

## I have provided my command line screenshot so that someone should got my point ![image](



**express.json()** middleware doesn't work when using with deno

"query parser" defaults to `"simple"` since 5.0.0-beta.1, but 9ce25ebb5362d399cac912d873a9bd792afefb6d did not update the value in ``.


The links were diaappearing due to the toggle method called on the #navmenu ul in jqeury, which let to an inline styling of display:none . Now when we click on...


Hi, first of all, thanks so much for Express and the ecosystem, very foundational project! 🙌 Just wanted to ask whether the Express team would be open to maintaining a...

Either have a function named `timeLog` or reword the last sentence of the page to remove the use of that name.

As per the code, content-length HTTP response header field is automatically assigned even if it is previously defined. #### Whereas in docs the statement is: This method performs many useful...