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Utilities for using THREE.js on Expo

Results 119 expo-three issues
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I'm currently working on expo-three with latest dependencies (expo SDK) and test it(jest-expo). But got some error ,can't solve this Any idea why thats happen. Here is screenshot of my...

v105 does not cause this error when using the THREE.Points constructor but v106 does: three.min.js:672 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object at Function.keys () at ac.updateMorphTargets (three.min.js:672)...

Any expo-three examples I run on my phone render properly but after a few minutes the full screen begins to flicker white every few seconds. The issue doesn't seem to...

Hello, My problem is simple: In my application, users can upload some pictures and some other stuff. These data are stored in MongoDB, the images are stored as base64. (I...

I am able to load and render .obj files, but I can't get it to work for .fbx files. ``` app.json: { "expo":{ ...(other fields), "packagerOpts": { "assetExts": [ "obj",...

Without effect all works fine. Also adding the effect works and it is rendered nicely. The problem is if the effect is active (some object in my AR scene moves...

Hi, i've tried loading remote texture using the following ways but nothing worked, remote texture are loading on IOS only! Asset.Utils, Expo.Asset, ExpoTHREE.loadAsync, ExpoTHREE.createTextureAsync !! I read previous similar issues...

Live reloading with Expo and Expo-Three causes frequent crashing whenever updating the X,Y, or Z of individual particles in a system. Here's the App.js (only file in the project): ```javascript...

I recently started my journey into app development with React-Native and have been using Expo-Three for all my 3D rendering. Thus far, it's proven more than capable of doing everything...