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Utilities for using THREE.js on Expo

Results 119 expo-three issues
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Hello, thank you for your wonderful library. I have spent so many days trying to figure out how to use the camera to be ThreeJS background. Right now, we have...

Hi everyone, Currently trying to get Expo and Expo Three working. When I open: https://snack.expo.io/@bacon/three I see this: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1700132/77250882-28bc5680-6c4b-11ea-8282-e7b843fe4d36.png) Console: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1700132/77251009-14c52480-6c4c-11ea-89f9-f38351d3c3cf.png) Looks like a Cloudfront error? iOS / Android also...

Hi all, Using the latest version of expo-three and expo-gl results in a blank screen when a component using ExpoTHREE is imported on a Bare app with Expo 35. I've...

Device: (1052:881) Unable to resolve module 'module://three.js' Evaluating module://three.js Evaluating module://expo-three.js Evaluating module://App.js.js Loading module://App.js This was working fine the other day and has suddenly stopped working... Have expo updated...

Hi. trying to: ``` js const myFBX = await loadAsync( require('./assets/c.fbx') ); scene.add(myFBX.scene); ``` I'm getting this runtime error: :x: `THREE.FBXLoader: External library Inflate.min.js required, obtain or import from https://github.com/imaya/zlib.js`...

Even when I try to load the KhronosGroup's official glTF sample files, the textures fail with the RN error: >`Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: Creating blobs from 'ArrayBuffer' and 'ArrayBufferView' are...

As soon as I try to run this line of code: const mesh = await ExpoTHREE.loadObjAsync({asset: require('../assets/models/head.obj')}); My app starts complaining about this. Everything else is fine. I've already got...

Can someone help me how to load glb models and which version of expo-three to use?

Running a fresh `expo init` build with the following versions ``` "expo": "^33.0.0", "expo-asset": "^5.0.0", "expo-constants": "^5.0.0", "expo-font": "^5.0.0", "expo-graphics": "^1.1.0", "expo-three": "^3.0.0-alpha.8", "expo-web-browser": "^5.0.0", ``` I've also added the...

Amazing lib! Is there any way to work with audio classes of three.js ? At the moment I'm trying to use expo-av in my game but it has lots of...