expo-three icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Utilities for using THREE.js on Expo

Results 119 expo-three issues
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Everything seems working fine, but this log causes me some discomfort. RN Metro says "EXGL: gl.pixelStorei() doesn't support this parameter yet!" every call ``` ... import {Renderer, TextureLoader} from 'expo-three';...

After just import the `expo-three` module, I got this error. `import { Renderer } from 'expo-three';` ![Screenshot 2021-04-09 150009](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/67555770/114176425-ca404400-9943-11eb-9691-8243a14ee4e8.png) ``` "expo": "^40.0.0", "expo-camera": "~9.1.0", "expo-font": "~8.4.0", "expo-gl": "^10.1.0", "expo-image-picker": "~9.2.1",...

is it possible to use a video as a texture with this ?


Is there currently no way to enable post-processing? The code below works on web and also works on native, but with the post-processing effects stripped/ignored. ```typescript import React from 'react'...


Hi, I am trying to run some snacks and install them on my local machine. this has proven to be harder task than i thought. In particular this snacks which...

Can I use video stream from webrtc as a texture, then I can apply filter on top of it ?

I am trying to draw a simple animating Cube using expo-three. The following code works for the web, but not on android. On Android, it is showing a ``backgroundColor`` screen...

UPDATE: This appears to only happen in debug builds, but not release builds. This is strange, but it seems like `expo-three`'s `TextureLoader()` fails to load a texture if Airplane Mode...

Does anyone have a working example of reflectionCube working on expo-three? Renders perfect on iOs and Android during development "production mode" but when validating the internal build on Android it...

# Problem importing expo-three while calling `firebase.firestore().collection('example').get()` anywhere in the code results in crash and an error. # Environment - MacOS Catalina 10.15.6 on IOS simulator 12.0 - IOS 14...