Marcin Lulek

Results 64 comments of Marcin Lulek

Ok, I'm just not too trustful about 3rd party ppa-s like webupdate or others :) I'd rather see something directly from the developers.

Another not laywer - but I think adding a GPL library to existing project instantly makes it GPL too so @jonafato is right. - maybe you could switch to this library and then you could do MIT/Apache2.0/BSD?

I think the best approach maybe would be to ping polymer team? @robdodson @tjsavage

Hello everyone, I would love to see a demo integrating polymer 2 + webpack + polymer-redux, so far I'm struggling configuring all the parts to cooperate together.

To add to my comment I figured out how to shim a `js` file with webpack and polymer loader, but since the dist file looks like this: var PolymerRedux ......

The tests pass here locally, something is wrong with travis setup? (maybe old nodejs version?)

@millermedeiros Can you pull in this PR? This router has broken query string interpolation.

Ok, any other routing solutions you are using on your day job? Do you still accept PR's with bugfixes?