Marcin Lulek

Results 64 comments of Marcin Lulek

Bump, any news on this?

Yeah, sounds good, I was thinking about wrapping this into web component. But that means that in that example `document.body` would be just a node somewhere, It would not have...

@txsmith Awesome stuff - I was working on this element ( but I also encountered issues with shadow dom :-) I can try the wrapper with updated version.

Hello, are there any news on this? It would be awesome if we could get the changes merged back in.

@bevacqua any news on getting this merged?

@txsmith any news on this?

Than you so much, maybe we can get it merged then :-)

@bevacqua @Lange Any chance we can get new release with this?

Hello @bevacqua, any chance this can be merged in?

@bevacqua any news on this, does this package currently have a maintainer?