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Polymer-redux 1.0 + Polymer 2 hybrid mode doesn't expose state + dispatch is unknown

Open ronnyroeller opened this issue 7 years ago • 9 comments

It would be great if Polymer-redux would work not only with pure Polymer 2 (e.g. ES6 class syntax) but also with Polymer hybrid mode.

Right now, for hybrid element with the PolymerRedux behavior the Redux state isn't available and calling this.dispatch causes the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: this.dispatch is not a function

This issue can be replicated by running demo/ready-state.html after applying PR https://github.com/tur-nr/polymer-redux/pull/86.

ronnyroeller avatar Jun 13 '17 09:06 ronnyroeller

Record-keeping: #89 probably further complicates use in the hybrid mode.

ankon avatar Jun 20 '17 14:06 ankon

Any update on this? We are using Polymer 2 but have elements currently in Polymer 2.x legacy mode.

As such the behavior no longer works. Is there a workaround or do I need to downgrade version?

Will 0.4.2 even work with Polymer 2?

brettpostin avatar Aug 17 '17 09:08 brettpostin

Here are the steps that we ended up taking:

  1. Downgrade polymer-redux
  2. Upgrade all Polymer elements that don't use polymer-redux from legacy mode to native Polymer 2
  3. Do all upgrading one can do in Polymer elements without bringing them to native element (e.g. replace this.fire(), etc)
  4. Upgrade polymer-redux + all Polymer elements using polymer-redux in one go

It's not really ideal as we still had to change dozens of elements during the last step - but at least the last step was rather mechanical.

ronnyroeller avatar Aug 17 '17 09:08 ronnyroeller

Thanks @ronnyroeller. Simply downgrading to 0.4.2 seemed to work fine for me.

Would still like an upgrade path however.

brettpostin avatar Aug 17 '17 13:08 brettpostin

The logic for property setting is different between v0 and v1 in PolymerRedux. I'm not so sure if it can be done without bringing some of the old logic from v0 across to v1.

I would be happy to work with someone who knows how Hybrid elements work. From my own understanding the plan of action would be:

  • [ ] Attach dispatch()/getState() via old lifecycle events, as per v0.
  • [ ] Use fire() if element.fire === 'function' exists.

tur-nr avatar Aug 18 '17 02:08 tur-nr

I think the best approach maybe would be to ping polymer team? @robdodson @tjsavage

ergo avatar Aug 23 '17 23:08 ergo

@kevinpschaaf may have some ideas.

robdodson avatar Aug 25 '17 20:08 robdodson

So if I understand, in v1.0.0 PolymerRedux changed from being a behavior (object) to a mixin (function). There's not a straightforward way to safely auto-convert mixins back to behaviors due to the way super works in ES6 (i.e., we can provide Polymer.mixinBehaviors(), but not Polymer.makeBehaviorFromMixin()).

That said, with the current construction of the PolymerRedux mixin, it looks possible to do it manually, if that's a solution for you. I did a proof of concept here: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/brick-raver?path=public/index.html:43:2

Basically, this code adds back the behavior-based interface to the mixin function, such that it can be used as a mixin on classes OR a behavior object in hybrid elements.

  const MixinFactory = PolymerRedux;
  PolymerRedux = store => {
    let curr;
    const mixin = MixinFactory(store);
    const base = mixin(class {
      constructor() { return curr; }
      connectedCallback() {}
      disconnectedCakkback() {}
    const behavior = {
      created() {
        curr = this;
        new base();
        curr = null;
      attached: base.prototype.connectedCallback,
      detached: base.prototype.disconnectedCallback,
      dispatch: base.prototype.dispatch,
      getState: base.prototype.getState,
      registered() {
        this.constructor.actions = this.actions;
    return Object.assign(mixin, behavior);
  // Can be used as a behavior OR a mixin
  const ReduxMixinOrBehavior = PolymerRedux(store);

It's a bit brittle/hacky, but something like this might work as a stop-gap solution for folks here.

Alternatively, @tur-nr could just consider factoring the code in the mixin callbacks out into shared functions and provide an option to return a behavior that uses the shared code, to avoid needing to deal with super issues. We did something like this for MutableData vs. MutableDataBehavior.

kevinpschaaf avatar Aug 26 '17 00:08 kevinpschaaf

@kevinpschaaf thank you very much.

@tur-nr could you please add this as a behavior.htm in the project?

AliMD avatar Jan 23 '18 10:01 AliMD