Marcin Lulek

Results 64 comments of Marcin Lulek

Is this still a problem? Can you provide a small test case to replicate?

my fork adds support for this properly i think, this commit in particular: X, Y axes gets updated, just legend needs to be fixed. now we need to get...

Well, polymer channel gained over 2k developers in last 3 months I think, and there are other libraries like x-tags, bosonic, svelte and others so I think components are gaining...

"Before we conclude such massive adoption, I'd want to see the usage. " Well did you see the keynote that I linked? Biggest companies in the world use web components...

I'm not really sure how to gather meaningful numbers since its hard to prove web component usage :-) It's obvious when it comes to polymer, but for angular 2.x, Aurelia...

I think this would make it even more tricky - because I think as of today polymer is the most mature and widespead library for web components (kind of like...

> I have to admit that I am leery of the premise that a lack of support for X by browser X will cause developers not to use it when...

Evening? Is there a chance this PR gets merged? Every week once or twice our team gets hit by the problem of PR's not being picked up.

Hello, is there any update on the subject? I don't think any PR-s are getting merged at this point. And some seem to be pretty important, like the one where...

Pyramid example needs general rework - No idea who wrote it but it is complicated way more than required. - i have one that is much smaller here. Maybe...