Results 66 comments of Emiliana

Since the program would be able to load user models, it would fall under "Expandable Application", for which, I believe, no free license tier exists. The applications listed [here]( also...

Thank you for reporting this issue! Currently, this is by design, as completely skipping bones can be a bit tricky, especially on the playback side, so even with enforceHumanoidBones it...

Thank you for the details! I will look into adding something like this when I have time.

Hi! Those are not valid BVH files, so I would recommend printing the numbers in a way that no scientific notation is produced on the Python side. The exact way...

Hi, thank you! The EmilianaCecil model is not really available for download, but I made it using [this program]( It should be possible to record animations of other models the...

VRM is a 3D model format, not an animation format, so there is no need to convert a BVH file to VRM. Instead the animation gets applied to the model...

Hi! It has been a while so I'm a bit fuzzy about the details, but the root bone is used as the root for the `SkelTree`, so it gets recorded...

It's quite odd that it would cause issues. I believe I have used the code to record a number of animations without missing legs before. When I have some time,...

Can you confirm if the arm and leg bones were correctly included in the bone list while recording? Removing the root offset would need some modification to the code. Inside...

This issue can occur when the model the BVH is applied to does not have identical bone rotations in its rest pose as when the file was recorded as. I...