Results 66 comments of Emiliana

I think it should work.

Hi, I do not have access to any of those softwares so I cannot test. Did the error show any details about what the issue with the file could be?

BVHTools uses either the names of the bones on the model it is recording from or Unity's humanoid bones. It seems like these tools expect the hierarchy to use different,...

I have encountered a similar issue on Windows 8.1 with a GTX 1080 in Unity 2018.1.1f1. Hitting play in the editor with any of the example scenes causes Unity to...

Thank you very much for the detailed instructions! I followed them step by step. However, the debugger did not stop at a breakpoint or exception and pausing did not give...

Another thing I have noticed is that Update() keeps getting called. Apparently Unity is still running, it just becomes unable to update the screen or process user input other than...

Thank you for keeping up trying to solve this strange issue! I've run the debug build now. Since the log got very long, I cut out the middle, but kept...

Hi! The FusedConv op was probably introduced by onnxruntime's model optimization. Here are some of the unoptimized models. Does they work? In the past, I've found that the `Upsample` layer...

It does look like it might be either a bug/missing support in Barracuda or incompatibility of the model's structure with Barracuda's ONNX implementation, but I'm not sure. I'm not really...

The image needs have a resolution of 224x224, RGB, with a channel order of (1, 3, 224, 224). The colors need to be normalized in a way similar to this:...